Friday, April 30, 2010

An evening with Glen

So, most folks know that I am fan of The Frames. They hail from this fair city that I currently find myself in, Dublin. It all started in 2002, when I saw them play at a small club called the Blackbird, located in the Hollywood district of Portland. Tony Starlights is the current tenant of that space. Some Portlanders may remember Uncle Butchies Low Carb Kitchen, which inhabited that address in between the Blackbird and Tony's. :)  Anywho, I liked what I saw, bought the record and have been a fan of Glen Hansards words ever since. To me, he is a sincere and honest song writer who isn't afraid to show you how passionate, sappy, or silly he is. While I like the plugged in version of the Frames, or Swell Season - not much compares to Glen and Guitar. No bell, no whistles - just the voice, the melody, and the words. 

I didn't know if The Frames, Swell Season, or Glen would be playing while I was in Dublin. The website didn't show any dates here, so I emailed Claire, their manager, and asked if, by chance, there was anything going on while I was here that wasn't posted on the web. And, if not, and Glen if was in town, what were the chances of me meeting him for a cup of tea. (pretty bold of me, I thought, to ask Glen on a "date". All she could do, after laughing out loud in her office, was tell me "no". So, might as well ask). I was just about ready to write the dream of me seeing Glen solo off, when she replied to my email! Glen was playing the Odessa, in Dublin. Small room, unpublished solo gig, Glen with Guitar. WHOO HOOO!!! I was so there! Until I called the club. The show was sold out. Bummer. I emailed Claire back, with thanks, but the show is sold out. Hours passed. Dinner and wine. A quick check of my email before settling in for the evening with Kat and family... WHAT! OMG! Are you kidding me?! Claire had gotten me on the list for the show at the Odessa! Kat and I rushed over to the club and there was my name, on the list. We had to do a bit of fast talkin' to get Kat in, then we were there, in a very small room full of local musicians, friends, and political activists. Maybe 50 or so folks total. The gig was in support of tribe of Kenyans, and getting them a truck for their village. Glen would match the money taken in tonight. Rad. Good to see an Academy Award hasn't blinded him too much from what is happening in the world around him.
singing Lay Me Down. the mic went away after that, much to the sound guys dismay. 
You never know how fame is going to change a person. I was glad to see that Glen still performs with the same sincerity, honesty, and passion he always has. He was genuinely having a great time at the show, singing new songs, old songs, covers, and telling stories. 
a very much loved guitar
He shared the stage with everyone in the room. Mundy, Ollie, and Gavin Harte, all stood up and did their things - Glen taking a back seat to play along on guitar, or just quietly singing along while watching them - as the rest of us did. 
Mundy. another popular Irish singer songwriter, balancing himself on two stools. silly boy.
Glen wondering if Mundy will fall or not..
He talked to folks in the audience, and encouraged all - in typical Irish tradition - to sing along. So fun! 
Katrina and I have come a long way from Rage Against the Machine mosh pits!
I want to mention that for most of the show there was no amplification. He also broke two guitar strings during the set and changed them while playing and singing. I've only seen Mike Watt do that!
It was a wonderfully intimate night. I feel so fortunate to have been there. It was one of those shows where you walk out of the bar and the world looks different. That's only happened a few times in my life. Once after a Thelonious Monster show at McCabes Guitar Shop in Santa Monica CA, another after a Pete Krebs/John Doe show at Satyricon in Portland OR, another time after a Geraldine Fibbers show in Olympia WA. Oh, there was also the Ray Charles show at the Oregon Zoo. There are probably more if I think about it...I love music. 

Here are a few "movies" I took during the show. I didn't get whole songs because my battery was running out. But you will get the idea of what we saw. 
Gavin Harte - Political Activist
Glen- part of All the Way Down
Glen - part of a trad song I don't know the name of
Glen - i can't remember the name of this one either-may be a medley
Glen - part of Say It To Me Now
Mundy - tonight was the first time i had seen him. not sure of the name of this song.

1 comment:

  1. political activist...

    on repeat.
    so good!
